中国絵画の清華 ―魅力あふれる定静堂コレクション―
当館が所蔵する中国美術の中から、平成12(2000)年に林宗毅氏(1923-2006)より和泉市に寄贈された定静堂コレクションのうち、清時代から近代にかけて制作された絵画を展示します。 林氏は台湾三大名家の筆頭とされる林本源家の出身で、自身のコレクションに生家の建物に因んだ「定静堂」の名を用いられました。これらの定静堂コレクションと呼ばれる書画作品群は、当館以外に東京国立博物館と台北の国立故宮博物院にも寄贈、所蔵されています。 本展覧会では、伝統的な中国絵画を重んじた画家や、西洋や日本の絵画を学びその影響を受けた画家たちが生み出した個性豊かな作品を通じて中国絵画の多彩な魅力をお楽しみいただきます。
The Elegance of Chinese Paintings―Extraordinary Teiseido Collection
December 8 (Sun.), 2024 – February 2 (Sun.), 2025
Drawing on the large Chinese art collection of our museum, this exhibition features paintings from the Qing Dynasty Period to the modern day, all selected from the Teiseido Collection donated to Izumi City by Munetake Hayashi (1923–2006) in 2000. Hayashi was actually born into the Lin Ben Yuan family, one of the three most powerful families in Taiwan. However, he used the name Teiseido, one of the buildings on his family’s estate, for official purposes, such as business dealings and art collection. A number of items from the Teiseido Collection have been donated to the Tokyo National Museum and the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, in addition to our museum. This exhibition will showcase the diverse world of Chinese paintings through unique and distinctive art pieces created by artists who followed the traditional methods of Chinese art and those who were also inspired by western and Japanese styles.
Main Display Items
Easy Life on Autumn Mountain by Fang Shishu, Qing Dynasty (1750)
Spring Sun on Rocky Valley by Dai Xi, Qing Dynasty (1848)
Thatched Cottage on Autumn Mountain by Puru, Republic of China (Early 20th century)
Bamboo by Wu Changshuo, Republic of China (1915)
Lin Family’s Flower Garden by Huang Caisong, Republic of China (1980)
Annex Regular Exhibitions
Chinese Objects of Art
Approximately 150 items including many bronzeware items from ancient to modern China. -
Annex Regular Exhibitions
Western Art
Opening Hours 10:00 am-5:00 pm (Last admission: 4:30 pm)